Enroll in the Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) for Bill Payment Assistance

Do you need assistance with past-due electric bills? AMP is designed to help you manage past-due electricity bills and avoid potential service interruptions caused by late or missed payments.

Enrollment Form

Please fill out the form below to help us determine your eligibility for AMP. SCE may use the contact information you provide to contact you with questions about your application.

* Required fields

Customer of Record Information
Please enter a valid service account number. Service account number starts with an "8" and consists of 10 numerical digits.
Please provide a first name.
Please provide a last name.
Please provide a valid email address.
Are you filling out this form for yourself or on behalf of someone else?

Program Requirements

Please review and acknowledge the following program requirements and disclosures in order to submit your application.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. I am and will remain enrolled in the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) or Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) program.
  2. I have been an SCE customer for at least six months.
  3. I have a past-due bill amounting to more than $500 (some of which have been past-due for more than 90 days).
  4. I have made at least one on-time payment in the past 24 months that equals or exceeds my most current bill at the time of payment.
  5. I’m not currently a Net Energy Metering (NEM), Direct Access (DA) or mastered metered customer.
  6. If accepted into the AMP program, I agree to pay all my monthly SCE bills on time for the next 12 months.

Disclosures and Acknowledgements

  1. I will receive communication via mail letting me know whether I’ve been approved to enroll in AMP.
  2. If I’m approved, my current contract account will be closed, and a new contract account number by mail will be issued to me.
  3. If I’m enrolled in the AMP program, I will not be eligible for other payment installment plans.
  4. If I miss two consecutive payments or three non-consecutive payments (late payments are considered a missed payment), I'll no longer be able to participate in AMP.
  5. If I'm enrolled in Auto Pay and wish to remain enrolled, I'll need to re-enroll once my account is accepted into the AMP.
  6. I will ensure my mailing address is correct. If I need to update my address, I will do so by logging into SCE’s My Account.
  7. To access SCE’s privacy notice, I can go to www.sce.com/privacy.
  8. If I remain eligible and enrolled in AMP by meeting the above requirements, SCE will forgive 1/12 of my total past due amount.
  9. If I remain eligible and enrolled in AMP by meeting the above requirements, SCE will forgive my debt up to $8,000 after I’ve made 12 individual monthly bill payments on time.
  10. By submitting this request, I affirm the accuracy of the information provided and agree to the AMP rules which are set forth in SCE’s tariffs. I can refer to SCE’s tariff books https://www.sce.com/regulatory/tariff-books.
  11. I can find information about AMP at SCE’s AMP Help Center. The information at SCE’s FAQ page is meant as an aid to understanding AMP.
  12. My participation is subject to the terms and conditions at https://sce.com/amp.

Sorry, you are not eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan.

We are currently unable to pre-qualify you for AMP for the following reason:

Sorry, you are not eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan.

We are currently unable to pre-qualify you for AMP for the following reason:

Sorry, you are not eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan.

We are currently unable to pre-qualify you for AMP for the following reason:

Sorry, you are not eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan.

We are currently unable to pre-qualify you for AMP for the following reason:

Sorry, you are not eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan.

We are currently unable to pre-qualify you for AMP for the following reason:

Sorry, you are not eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan.

We are currently unable to pre-qualify you for AMP for the following reason:

Sorry, you are not eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan.

We are currently unable to pre-qualify you for AMP for the following reason:

Sorry, you are not eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan.

We are currently unable to pre-qualify you for AMP for the following reason:

Sorry, you are not eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan.

We are currently unable to pre-qualify you for AMP for the following reason:

Thank you for your interest in the Arrearage Management Plan.

You have been pre-qualified to participate in AMP.

Sorry, you are not eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan.

We are currently unable to pre-qualify you for AMP for the following reason:

Sorry, you are not eligible for the Arrearage Management Plan.

We are currently unable to pre-qualify you for AMP for the following reason: